May 3, 2021


Welcome to the official PolyStar Medium

We believe that MATIC and the Polygon Network is just starting to get some well deserved attention. We're going to take advantage of that, and bring you one of the first community-driven and fairly launched projects on Polygon!

Total Supply:
💸 1,000,000,000,000,000 PolyStar

PolyStar Contract: 0x4DeB2036240F74eA5A6e7Ce8BF32F74e3502cF38

⭐️ 8% transaction fee goes to Liquidity Pool

⭐️ 2% transaction fee distributed to holders

⭐️ 40% of the supply burned at launch to create a Black Hole

⭐️ Buy Here: https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x4DeB2036240F74eA5A6e7Ce8BF32F74e3502cF38

⭐️ Website: www.polystar.io

⭐️ LP Tokens burned forever: https://explorer-mainnet.maticvigil.com/tx/0xa1b345e913ce9247631809302deb9cf93155f0e9839c52d80924edb98f10f667/token-transfers

⭐️ Chart: https://matic.ach.tools/#/tabs/home/0x4DeB2036240F74eA5A6e7Ce8BF32F74e3502cF38

⭐️ Follow our Twitter: https://Twitter.com/_PolyStar

Aboard the Starship!

