1. Get MATIC
You can buy matic from binance and withdraw to your metamask address
Using this bridge to swap Eth to Matic or swap (ERC Matic to Matic Network)
ETH to Matic = https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/
2. Go to https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x4DeB2036240F74eA5A6e7Ce8BF32F74e3502cF38
Click on switch to matic on the webpage and accept the confirmation request on the metamask popup window
3. Set slippage to 11%
Enter the amount of PolyStar (even number) you wish to buy and confirm transaction,
Click the approve button.
Contract: 0x4DeB2036240F74eA5A6e7Ce8BF32F74e3502cF38